Discussion Questions
The shepherds’ fear when encountering the angel reminds us how often we feel anxious when we face something unexpected or uncontrollable. What are some areas in your life where you experience fear or anxiety?
What are some “particle board” solutions you might be using to fill peaceless voids in your life? What would it look like for the peace of God to be present in those areas?
Peace in life isn’t the absence of anxiety or difficulties, but it’s the presence of Jesus in the midst of it. How can you embrace the gift of Jesus’ presence in moments of fear or anxiety?
Corrie ten Boom’s quote mentions finding rest by looking to God. Discuss spiritual disciplines and practices that can help you look to God.
Prayer Points
Praise God for the incredible gift of peace we have through Jesus!
Pray for the people in your life who are hurting and without peace.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would empower the people at Sound City to bring the light of peace to our neighbors.