Gospel of John | The Word | John 1:1-18

Discussion Questions

  • Who does our culture say Jesus is?

  • Why do you think God decided to become human? Could God have saved us without becoming flesh? Why or why not?

  • Jesus came full of grace and truth. How do you think these two attributes of Jesus relate to one another?Is he more grace than truth? More truth than grace? Discuss.

  • Share about a time when you experienced the grace of Jesus.

  • God went through great lengths to draw near to us in Christ. How might God be calling you to draw near to him in this season?

  • What implications might the incarnation of Jesus have for how we think about reaching the lost in our city?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would bless our church as we enter into this series through John

  • Ask the Lord to show you more of his glory as you consider the person of Jesus