The Day of Christ’s Return | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Discussion Questions

  1. What has your experience been with the subject of the end times: fear, ignorance, confusion, or something else?

  2. Why is the return of Jesus an important part of the overall gospel message? Why do you think that we sometimes forget to include it?

  3. How does the gospel free us from fear of death? How does this freedom affect how we live our daily lives? How does it affect the way we relate to non-Christians?

  4. What practical steps can we take to help one another grow in endurance as we follow Jesus?

Prayer Points

1. Pray for Jesus to return soon.

2. Pray for urgency in all our hearts for sharing the good news of Jesus.

3. Pray for faithfulness, endurance, patience, and peace in the hearts of Christians everywhere as we face hardships, opposition, and challenges to our faith.

For Further Study

1. The Rapture Question essay on TGC by Alan S. Bandy

2. Is the Rapture Taught in the Bible? blog post by Erik Reed

3. What is the Rapture? short podcast from John Piper