Discussion Questions:
1. Where are you tempted to fall into ingratitude, entitlement, and a lack of thankfulness? What things might be too important in your heart (i.e. idols)?
2. Why is the good news of the gospel the only real foundation for true gratitude? Why are other foundations lacking?
3. Of the three heart-level qualities (faith, hope, love), which one is the Lord leading you to focus on in this current season?
4. Of the three practical actions (godly works, labors of service, endurance), which one is the Lord leading you to focus on in this current season?
Prayer Points
1. Take time to praise and thank God for his many blessings, both in creation and redemption. Thank him and praise him for as many different things as you can think of.
2. Pray that God would increase our “work produced by faith, labor motivated by love, and endurance inspired by hope in Jesus.” Ask God for endurance, for growth in godly character, and opportunities to serve those in need.