Discussion Questions
For this week, consider having men and women meet separately to help facilitate a more open and honest conversation.
1. What happens when we avoid talking about sex in the church? What happens when we only focus on the prohibitions and not the fuller picture?
2. What are right and wrong ways to think about the doctrine of “total depravity”? What does it mean that all of us have been affected by the fall in our minds, feelings, bodies, and desires? What does it not mean?
3. Why is it important to think of the gospel message in terms of a loving husband pursuing his unfaithful wife? Why is this such an important image for the good news of Jesus?
4. How can Sound City foster a culture of holiness around sexuality? How can we be simultaneously morally serious and filled with exceeding grace for one another?
5. If there is any sexual sin that needs to be confessed, consider sharing it with your group. If there is any sexual woundedness that needs to be healed, consider sharing it with your group or a trusted person.
Prayer Points
1. Pray that Sound City would foster a culture of holiness when it relates to sexual behavior: upholding God’s standard for sexual activity, mercy and grace for those who stumble, and courageous honesty in our conversations about such matters.
2. Pray that God would use us to reach people who are trying to satisfy their need for God with earthly loves and lusts.