Scaly Skin and Mildewed Walls | Leviticus 13-14

Discussion Questions

  1. “The purity laws of Leviticus are not about morality, but about mortality.” How do things like skin diseases and mildewed clothes remind us that we are living in a land polluted by death? How should we think about the world in its fallen state?

  2. Why are so many of us prone to hide and cover up our fallenness, both our sin and our sufferings? Which one do you struggle with more?

  3. Read Colossians 3:1-11, with a particular focus on verse 3. What does it mean to be “hidden with Christ”? How does this truth free us from hiding, covering, and pretending?

  4. Who do you have in your life that you can be completely open and transparent with, both with your sin and also your suffering? If the answer is “nobody,” what steps do you need to take to change that?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that Jesus would help us as individuals and a church community to walk with openness and transparency with each other, supporting and loving one another with the care of Jesus.

  2. Pray that we would be known to the world around us not as “holier than thou” but as broken people who are loved by a perfect Savior.

  3. Pray for those in your group who share aspects of sin or suffering that they feel ashamed of. Pray for the cleansing that is offered by Jesus, our high priest.