Discussion Questions
What are some of the differences and similarities between the guilt offering and other offerings?
What are some ways you use the word “guilt”? How is the word “guilt” used in Leviticus?
Share and discuss examples of unintentional sins. How do we realize when we sin unintentionally?
What role does restitutions play in the practice of guilt offerings? Why was it necessary? What does it mean for us today?
In what ways is the Holy Spirit leading you to repent of your sins and make necessary restitutions?
Prayer Points
Praise God for the forgiveness he offers us through the work of Jesus!
Praise God for the opportunity we have to respond and care for those that we sin against.
Pray for healing and shalom for individuals in your life who have been sinned against.
As recipients of God’s forgiveness, pray that the Holy Spirit would empower our church body to respond and do all that we can to bring the good news of the gospel to the world.