Why Does God Care What I Eat? | Leviticus 11:1-47

Discussion Questions 

  • Why was it important for God’s people in the old covenant to obey His commands concerning food? 

  • What are some of your struggles or internal wrestlings as you read through challenging passages like the food laws? How can the more challenging parts of scripture deepen our affections for God?  

  • Does your eating demonstrate a satisfaction in God? Is there gluttony you need to address? How can you incorporate the spiritual discipline of fasting as a response and reminder to finding our satisfaction in Jesus.

  • Does your eating set you apart as belonging to God? Care for your body? Care for your neighbor? Care for the earth?

  • Does your eating further the mission of God? As a group, come up with ways you can incorporate eating to further the mission of God in your local context. 

Prayer Points

  • Praise God for His sovereignty in all things reminding us that His thoughts and ways are higher. 

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would deepen our affections for God through even the most challenging parts of the Bible. 

  • Pray that Sound City Bible Church will be filled with disciples who find our greatest satisfaction in God. 

  • Pray for opportunities and relationships in your life to further the mission of God through sharing a meal together.