The Grain Offering | Leviticus 2:1-16

Discussion Questions 

  1. What does “free will” offering mean to you and why do we sometimes want God to command a certain offering from us?

  2. If grain/bread was a symbol of life for the people of Israel, what would be a corresponding symbol for us today? 

  3. How does giving offerings play an important part of our worship? 

  4. Why is it important that giving offerings be costly to the worshiper? 

  5. How would a worshiper have to plan ahead to be able to give a costly offering?

  6. What does it say about God that he made provision for people of all economic levels to participate in worship through offerings? How does this translate into our worship today? 

  7. What baggage or hang-ups might you have about giving offerings through the church?

  8. Why is money and the management of money a touchy subject in churches?

  9. How is giving a food offering (like grain/bread) in Leviticus different from giving food to idols/false gods? 

Prayer Points 

  • Pray that God will enrich our worship of him through a better understanding of the sacrifices and offerings in Leviticus. 

  • Pray that each worshiper at Sound City Bible Church will feel led to worship through free-will offerings proportionate to the way God has blessed them. 

  • Pray for healing for individuals who have been harmed in the past by church leaders that wrongly emphasized money or misused the offerings given to God. 

  • Pray a blessing on the offerings brought to God through our church that God will guide the church to use them for his purposes, the advancement of his kingdom, and the exaltation of Jesus.