Discussion Questions
How has God used the last few months of studying the theme of renewal in your life? Where has God shown you that your life is in need of renewal?
What are some common misconceptions regarding the church? In what ways are you prone to think wrongly about the church? Why?
What does it mean that the church is a spiritual entity, not merely a human endeavor? Put another way, why is it important to remember that the church only exists because of and for Jesus?
What are some things that you appreciate about our specific local church? And what are some ways that God has gifted and equipped you to help our church in this season of renewal?
Prayer Points
Pray that God would continue to renew our local church so that we could be effective witnesses to his gospel in our region.
Pray for the various leadership transitions that are coming up in the months ahead. And pray for God to continue to raise up new leaders to serve this church.
Pray specifically for the church renewal team as they work to help clarify our mission, vision, and focus for the season ahead.
Pray that God would use our meager endeavors to bring much glory to himself, and to bring many people to saving faith in Jesus.