Renewed Rest | Mark 2:23-28

Discussion Questions

  1. Read together Mark 2:23-28 and answer the following questions: What stood out to you? What do these passages teach us about God (his character, his will, his plans, his principles)?

  2. Sabbath rest was created by God, created for us and fulfilled in redemption. Which of these aspects of sabbath rest do you find difficult to understand, challenging to believe, or find to be most misunderstood?

  3. Share ways in which you struggle with the common sabbath traps of over legalization, over spiritualization and over conceptualization,  

  4. Jesus is our sabbath rest. In what ways do you believe the Holy Spirit is leading you to sabbath rest for healing, worship and connection?

  5. Share with your group the practical way(s) you are planning on regularly taking sabbath rest. Additionally, share ideas in ways you can help others regularly take sabbath rest. 

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would provide the people of Sound City a renewed understanding of rest that shapes when and how we rest. 

  2. Pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal traps and root out any idols in our hearts that draw us away from rest. 

  3. Pray that the Holy Spirit would lead you in regularly taking sabbath rest.