Renewed Singleness and Dating | 1 Corinthians 7:32-38

Discussion Questions

  1. As a group, spend time reading 1 Corinthians 7:32-38 and answer the following questions:

    • What stood out to you from this passage?

    • What does this passage teach us about God (his character, his will, his plans, his principles)?

  2. When you were single, or if you are currently single, do you find yourself struggling to pursue a devotion to Christ that reminds you that your identity is greater than your singleness? 

  3. If you’re currently in a dating relationship, the goal of this season like all seasons of life is devotion to Christ while remembering that Jesus understands and cares. Where in your relationship do you sense a loving conviction of the Spirit to honor God by seeking wisdom and growth?

  4. For those who are married, 

    • In what ways do you sense a loving conviction of the Spirit to refocus your marriage towards a devotion to Christ. 

    • Share creative ways in which you can support and care for the singles and dating demographic at Sound City. 

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that our church body would seek to be devoted to Christ in all seasons of our lives. 

  2. Pray for the single and dating members at Sound City to be reminded of their identity in Christ.

  3. Pray for the Spirit to stir the hearts of married couples to serve and care for the single and dating members at Sound City.