Called, Loved, and Kept | Jude v1-4

Discussion questions

  1. Read together Jude v1-4 and answer the following questions.

  2. What stood out to you from v1-2 and v3-4?

  3. Share other passages from the Bible where we read about the need for our identity in Christ preceding behavior.

  4. Describe what happens when our behavior leads before our identity?

  5. How are you prone to wander from your identity in Jesus and seek elsewhere for your purpose, love, and safety?

  6. Share with one another areas of your life where Jesus is continuing to grow your love, purpose, and safety.

Prayer points

  1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will remind us of our identity in Christ and protect us from the attacks of the enemy.

  2. Pray that the people of our church would love and serve one another out of a heart of belonging to Jesus.

  3. For those you know and love that don’t yet know Jesus, pray that the gospel would save them and break down their false assurances of purpose, connection and safety.