Take Care of Yourself and Others | Jude 20-25

Discussion questions

  1. Read together Jude verses 20-25 and share the characteristics of God that stood out to you. 

  2. In the pursuit of building ourselves up in the faith, how is God calling you to grow in the areas of praying in the spirit, staying in God’s love and looking to eternity? 

  3. As Jesus commands us to love others as he loved us, what are the reasons why you would hesitate entering into this type of loving relationship with others? 

  4. How does being secure in Jesus allow us to enter into loving relationships with others? 

  5. Share the people God has brought into your life who have helped build you up in the faith. 

Prayer points

  1. Pray that the Holy Spirit would empower you in the pursuit of growing in the faith. 

  2. Praise God for the godly men and women in your life who have helped build you up in the faith. 

  3. Pray for the love of God to be revealed to those who are wavering in their faith. 

  4. Pray that Sound City Bible Church would be filled with people who are grounded in Jesus and seek to enter into loving relationships with others.