Judging Others | Matthew 7:1-6

Discussion Questions 

  1. “To judge or not to judge, that is the question”. In what ways has this passage clarified your understanding of judgment? 

  2. In what ways do we accurately or inaccurately represent the gospel by the way we pass judgment? 

  3. Jesus is clearly teaching that once again, the heart is at the center of the issue and therefore, he does not forbid judgment, but rather calls us to discern and judge rightly. How do you see this practically lived out in your life?  

  4. Through Jesus we are recipients of God’s mercy. Spend time encouraging one another through scripture the reminder of this truth.

Prayer Points 

  1. Praise God for his mercy shown to us through his son Jesus Christ. 

  2. Pray that God would remind and steep us in the truth of his mercy in our hearts. 

  3. Pray that God would root out any pride that hinders us from practicing right judgment.