In the second half of Matthew 6, Jesus pivots from addressing a genuine righteousness of one’s inward life to a genuine righteousness of one’s outward life. In doing so, Jesus instructs his followers to seek heavenly treasures above earthly ones because what we treasure reveals what we love. Or, more importantly, who we love.
Discussion Questions:
Are you as zealous for funding your retirement as you are for storing up heavenly treasures? How does the idea of heavenly treasures change the way you think about money?
What encouragement can we gain from knowing that God wants us to seek heavenly treasures?
Does this passage convict you about covetousness, the inordinate love of wealth and possessions? If so, what do you need to confess?
Who can you challenge with the truth that we all choose to serve either Jesus or the things of this world?
Prayer Points:
Pray for God to reveal ways you choose earthly treasures instead of seeking him and confess them.
Pray that God would make us a more generous church so that everyone would see how much we value Him above all earthly goods.