Jesus spent a great deal of time alone in prayer communicating with the Father. Knowing how important true prayer is in the life of those who follow him, Jesus teaches us how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer that shows us the attitudes we should have during prayer as well as the topics we should include when we pray. This passage and the sermon based on it are intended to encourage and equip you to have a robust, genuine, and powerful prayer life.
Discussion Questions:
Why do so many Christ-followers find prayer difficult?
What specific barriers get in the way of your own praying?
When was a time that prayer was a meaningful or powerful part of your life?
What parts of the Lord’s Prayer speak deeply to you?
Which aspects of the Lord’s Prayer are most difficult for you to embrace, believe or practice?
How does Relationship with God inform your praying? What does it mean that God is our Father?
Why is it difficult to depend on God for our “daily bread” when we live in relative luxury and apparent self-sufficiency?
How does it make you feel that God expects you to give grace to others as a result of the grace he gives to you? Is there someone to whom you are unwilling to grant forgiveness?
Do you believe and live as if there is a spiritual realm that is real and dangerous?
Would God lead us into temptation? How should we understand that part of the Lord’s Prayer?
Prayer Points:
Pray that the Lord will empower Sound City Bible Church to be a praying church.
Pray that God will help us each to embrace the simplicity of prayer and step out in faith to open our hearts to God by regularly and consistently praying.
Pray that God will move us with joy and conviction to be disciplined to set aside times to pray and to apply ourselves to learning and growing in our prayer lives.
Pray for those who are intimidated by prayer that God will free them from the barriers, fears and anxieties that hold them back from praying.
Pray for those who do not yet know our Father who is in heaven that they will hear and heed his drawing them to believe in his Son, Jesus.