Sins of the Heart | Matthew 5:21-30

Discussion Questions 

1. What does Jesus' teaching on anger and lust teach us about his character? 

2. In what ways have you tried to fight anger and lust through loveless obedience? In what way are you diminishing the work of the cross when you live in legalistic, loveless obedience? 

3. Remembering Jesus’ fulfillment of the law, examine your heart and life specifically towards the sin of anger and lust. What steps of confession, reconciliation, and safeguards do you need to take in your life right now?

4. Share and celebrate with your community group members and/or other Christians the way you see loving obedience in their lives and how it has challenged and encouraged you. 

Prayer Points 

1. Pray that we—as disciples individually and a church collectively—would live with an ever-deepening understanding of Jesus’ gift of righteousness. 

2. Pray that God would empower and guide us to live a life of loving obedience. 

3. Pray that we can reflect the gift of righteousness in a way that draws people to Jesus.