Salt & Light | Matthew 5:11-16

The sermon on the mount is very helpful in the life of a Disciple. Jesus teaches his followers what it looks like to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God and not of this world. For our passage this week, Jesus focuses on the idea that as his followers we are the salt and the light of the world. When others take notice of our lives they should see something different than the world around them. They should see Jesus in us.

Discussion Questions

  1. . Take some time to discuss what it looks like to practically be the salt and light of the world. 

  2. Share with one another times where maybe you didn’t live out the call to be salt and light and how you could make changes in the future to do this differently going forward.

  3. Share with one another, as an encouragement, examples of how you’ve seen eachother model being salt and light.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for opportunities to be the salt and light of the world to unbelievers in your life.

  2. Pray that God would continue to remind you that you can only be salt and light because Jesus is our model and because of the Holy Spirit working in and through us.

  3. Pray for God’s Spirit to show you areas in your own life where you need to make changes to be saltier and shine brighter for his glory.