It's Hard to Come to Grips With Hell | Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think of when you think of hell?

  2. How has your understanding of hell impacted you over your lifetime?

  3. Why do you think the doctrine of hell is so difficult for people to accept?

  4. What are the arguments against hell’s existence that you find most sympathetic?

  5. Is God just and good and loving when he judges sinners?

  6. What Scripture passages impact you the most about hell and God’s judgment?

  7. How have your views changed or not changed after the sermon on hell?

  8. What impact does your view of hell have on the realities of hell?

  9. What impact do your beliefs about hell have on your joining God on mission to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10)?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for those in our church who are struggling to understand and believe the truths of God regarding God’s righteous judgement of sinners.  Pray that they will submit to God’s sovereignty and trust in his grace and goodness.

  2. Pray for those in our church, community, and world who are lost in their sins and need to hear and believe that Jesus is the Savior and their only hope.  

  3. Pray for us to be bold in our evangelism and confident in our sharing of Jesus. 

  4. Pray that the Truth of God will prevail in the hearts and minds of our western society which dismisses God and his truths; putting forward their own narrative.