Jesus Wants to Make You Truly Authentic | Luke 6:43-45

Nobody likes a hypocrite; we agree that authenticity and integrity are important. The problem is everyone is a hypocrite at some level. The good news is Jesus invites hypocrites like you and me to take off our masks and let him change our hearts.

Discussion Questions

  1. In this passage, Jesus gives an illustration that explains an important aspect of human nature - why we do what we do. What does he say about the connection between the nature of the trees and the fruit they produce? How does he connect that to our hearts and actions?

  2. One pastor described hypocrisy as, “Let’s hide what I’m really like by focusing on what’s wrong with everybody else.” Whether that is intentional or not, we a prone toward distraction or focusing on externals instead of looking at the reality of our own hearts and what we are loving. What has that looked like for you this week?

  3. The hope of the Gospel is that not only does Jesus take away our sin but he makes us, as Paul says, new creations. Why is it good news that Jesus isn’t after your resume or report card but, instead, your heart?

Prayer Points

  • Humility to see ourselves rightly and to have proper expectations of ourselves and others.

  • Freedom and enjoyment of God in knowing he wants us to enjoy him now and forever.