The Ephesian Riot | Acts 19:1-41

In Acts 19, Paul’s preaching causes a major disturbance because it affects the financial profits of the idol makers. In this important passage, we see that the words of Jesus were most certainly true: “where your heart is, there your treasure will be also.”

Discussion Questions

  1. What was your relationship to money in your family of origin? Was money tight? Was there worship of money? What messages about money did you internalize in your early years?

  2. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, but there is often an even deeper love underneath. In your interactions with money, what deeper fears or loves come into play?

  3. If we really lived out the gospel we believe, how would that affect the practical realities of life: money, work, relationships, sexuality, entertainment, etc.?

  4. Why is the gospel of “God loves you” insufficient on its own? Why is it important to include Jesus’ call to deny ourselves and follow him?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that Jesus would give us worship and generous hearts when it comes to money.

  • Pray that the gospel we believe would affect not just our hearts, but also the practical realities of our lives. 

  • Pray that Jesus would use our generosity to further his kingdom in our region and beyond.