Discussion Questions:
The world promotes empty encouragements that create faulty foundations for our lives. Contrast the differences between worldly encouragements and gospel peace.
Everyone experiences anxiety. What causes anxiety in your life and what does your response look like?
Are you experiencing anxiety in your life right now? If so, how can you apply the big idea of Jesus being our peace to your anxiety?
Peace with God | Romans 5:1
Peace with humanity | Ephesians 2:14
Peace with all things | Revelation 21:3-6
Peace within us | John 16
Heavenly Peace | John 14
Peace Beyond understanding | Philippians 4
Remembering that practical help is great as long it’s built on Jesus, what steps can you take and be held accountable to grow in the peace of God?
Pay attention to your body
Pay attention to your limits
Practice regular stillness
Interact with your anxieties
Practice gratitude
Prayer Points:
Together as a group, read and pray through Psalm 131.
Pray and confess areas of your life where you’ve been holding onto your anxiety and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with the peace of God.
Pray that God would cultivate a heart of humility and thankfulness at Sound City as we face the challenges and the anxieties of life.