A Turning Point | Acts 12:1-13:52

Sermon Description

In Acts chapters 12 and 13 we see that even though the church is persecuted they turn to prayer and boldly continue to send forth the message of Jesus the Savior. Undeterred, the Good News begins to spread from Jerusalem and Judea, through Samaria, and now to the ends of the earth. Will the church of today continue to join in the advance of the message of Jesus?

Prayer Points

1. Pray for the persecuted church around the world.

2. Pray that God will prepare each of us for any persecution that we might face so that we will remain faithful and bold throughout.

3. Pray that God will keep us from being inward focused and complacent but rather that he will stoke in us a fiery passion for his glory that motivates us to bold witness.

4. Pray for God to show us each ways that we can proclaim Jesus even during this continuing COVID pandemic.

Discussion Questions

1. How is the cultural persecution of the church in the West different from other persecution? In what ways is it effective at stopping the church’s witness?

2. How are we tempted to turn inward-focused and become reluctant to join in the advancement of the Good News?

3. What are we risking when we live boldly for the Kingdom of God?

4. How can we share Jesus during the COVID pandemic with restricted interactions?

5. What would you do to join the Mission of the Gospel if there were no pandemic?

6. Is God calling you to make a bold move in your life to be more missional?

Resources for Further Study

1. Voice of the Martyrs Global Prayer Guide

2. Training to be on Mission with God in your daily life!

3. Book: Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions by John Piper