Sermon Description
Paul was imprisoned by the Roman government and we have been quarantined at home for safety by order of our government. In both cases, the Gospel is not restricted but flows powerfully and effectively. In fact, the more you restrict the Gospel, the more powerfully it advances. The question now is: will you and I join in the powerful overflowing of the Gospel into the world and the lives of people who so desperately need Jesus the Savior?
Discussion Questions
Do I know the core parts of the Gospel message and can I communicate them in my own words right now? How do I need to improve on this?
How can I build connections with others both in the church and outside of the church?
Am I living my life more for my own personal kingdom or for the Kingdom of God? What areas of my heart or my life are insulated from the mission of the Gospel?
Who in my circle of influence needs to hear the Good News of Jesus? What are some steps I can take to begin to share Christ with them?
Prayer Points
Pray that we will not be discouraged by the uncertainty of the future but will be confident in the power and effectiveness of the Gospel of Jesus.
Pray that we will each answer the call to join with Christ in the mission to share the Gospel and advance the Kingdom.
Pray for one individual who needs to hear the gospel and for the opportunity to share with them.
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