Conflict, Fear, and Comfort | 2 Corinthians 7:2-7

In Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, he acknowledges a season in his life where he was “troubled in every way, with conflicts on the outside and fears within.” When we are honest about the difficulties of life and the fear in our hearts, we can truly experience God’s comfort—a comfort that he often delivers through connection with his people.

Discussion Questions

  1. Of the four ways listed (avoid, escape, trivialize, deny), how are you prone to avoid being honest about the troubles of life and the fears in your heart? Why?

  2. How does Jesus’ life, suffering, death, and resurrection bring us comfort in the here-and-now? Why is it so important to focus on him in this season?

  3. How does God use the community of faith to bring comfort and encouragement in our lives? How can we practice committed connection, even in these difficult days?

  4. How can we be agents of God’s comfort to the outside world?

Prayer Points

  • Pray for God to bring health and well-being to our world in light of all the sickness and hardship.

  • Pray that we would be honest about our hardships, but experience God’s comfort.

  • Pray that we would be able to share the hope of Jesus with a world that needs to know his love, forgiveness, and comfort in troubling times.