After spending two chapters teaching on the supremacy of Christ and refuting false teaching, Paul and Timothy turn their attention to the lives of the Colossian Christians. In this long list of commands and prohibitions, we see that the gospel fundamentally changes how we relate to rules, law, and commandments.
Discussion Questions
When it comes to your relationship to rules and instructions, which direction do you lean: naturally submissive or naturally resistant?
Which areas of the “negative” list are you wrestling with? Relatedly, which elements of the “positive” list do you struggle with and need to grow in? Share with your group.
Read Ephesians 4:25-32 and compare to this list in Colossians? Why is it important to remember that lists like these are not exhaustive but representative?
How is Jesus the perfect fulfillment of all the commandments of God? How can we help one another to grow
Prayer Points
Take time in your group for silent, reflective prayer on these commands and prohibitions. Then collectively, give God praise that our relationship with him is based on Christ’s perfect life, not our own moral efforts.
Pray that we would share the gospel of Jesus, not a list of behaviors that people ought to do. Pray that our lives would look more like Jesus so that we would be effective witnesses.
For Further Reading
Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters by Carmen Joy Imes