The Power of a True Conversion | Acts 9:1-31

The beginning of Acts chapter 9 tells of one of the most significant conversions in the history of the church, and even the history of the world. Saul of Tarsus had been on a mission to capture and persecute followers of Jesus until his radical encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Saul’s conversion to “the way” demonstrates the power of God. But it also reminds us that every conversion, no matter how big or dramatic, is a miraculous act of God.

Discussion Questions

  1. Take some time to share with one another how Jesus has transformed your life. Even if you met Jesus at an early age, how would your life be different had you not encountered Jesus?

  2. Do you have questions or doubts about your status with Jesus? Are you struggling to believe that you’re “good enough” to be saved?

  3. Do you desire to continue to be changed and transformed by the power of the gospel each and every day? Do you regularly share areas in your life where you are struggling and living in sin? Share with one another how you desire to continue to grow as a disciple of Jesus and be transformed by the Holy Spirit?

  4. How can we hold each other accountable and help each other be obedient to Christ, including going out into the world and speaking boldly about Jesus?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that Jesus would remind you of the miracle he has done in your own life. Pray that he would reignite a passion and excitement for how he has and continues to transform you.

  2. Pray for God to encourage you and cause you to be more passionate in proclaiming the gospel to the world around you. Pray for courage to speak boldly about Jesus to those in your life who have yet to meet Jesus. And pray, not just for opportunities to share the gospel but for the power of the gospel to lead to true life transformation.