Living As Exiles | Daniel 1:1-21

Sermon Description

The book of Daniel tells the story of one of the darkest days in Israel’s history: the exile. Yet despite the difficulty of these days, we see that God is always working behind the scenes to bring about the hope of restoration. Because of this, we can remain faithful to God even while we live in a world that is not our final home.

Discussion Questions

  1. What stood out to you from Daniel 1? What questions do you have? What are you hoping to learn or see as we study this book?

  2. Why does the Apostle Peter call us “exiles” and “sojourners”? How does this help us to relate to the people of Israel in the exile?

  3. Where are you tempted to compromise your faith in the little things? How does this story help us find the courage to be faithful even when it seems small?

  4. When it comes to our sinful culture, are you more prone toward the fight impulse or the flight impulse? How does God want you to grow in faithfulness and service to your city?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would use our time in the book of Daniel to teach us how to live faithfully as exiles and sojourners in this present world.

  2. Pray that we would seek the welfare of our city, and in so doing we would show the goodness of Jesus and the hope of the gospel to those in our lives who have yet to believe.

For Further Study