Surprised by Jesus | John 21:1-14

Sermon Description

Doubting Thomas has long served as a negative example, but if we are honest—wouldn’t most of us be like him? In this passage, we learn how Jesus meets us in our doubts, and moves us beyond mere pragmatism into an experience of his supernatural grace.

Discussion Questions 

  1. Look at Acts 10:36 and Colossians 1:20. How is peace with God directly linked to the work of Christ on the cross?

  2. What types of doubts do you experience? Where do your doubts turn into unbelief? How does Jesus want to meet you even in your doubts?

  3. Where do you wrestle with bad pragmatism? How will the gospel always stretch us in our desire for absolute certainty?

  4. What is the role of evidence or proof in the Christian faith? What are the limits to this approach, particularly when it comes to evangelism?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that Jesus would meet you in your doubts and pragmatism. Pray for a soft, believing heart that would trust Jesus even when you can’t understand everything.

  2. Pray for those in your life who have yet to “ believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” Pray that they would believe and receive “life in his name.”