My Father's House | John 14:1-4

Jesus spoke about being from heaven, about bringing heaven to earth, and about heaven and earth becoming one. But few subjects in the Christian faith are as often misunderstood as heaven. A right understanding of heaven enables us to experience Jesus, frees us from fear, and fuels us for mission.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why do you think there are so many wrong ideas about heaven? How can we help one another to think biblically about this important subject.

  2. Why is it important that we understand the gospel in bigger terms of just “going to heaven when you die?” What did Jesus say about the relationship between heaven and earth?

  3. Where do you currently experience fear, worry, or anxiety? How does right thinking about heaven provide perspective and relief?

  4. How can mission and service go wrong in the life of a believer? How does thinking about heaven provide the fuel that we truly need?

Prayer Points

  1. Thank God that your citizenship is in heaven, and pray for those who have yet to receive Jesus, the one who came from heaven.

  2. Pray that God would remind us of our eternal hope, and that this hope would minister to our fears and anxieties.

Additional Resources

  • Heaven and Earth video from the Bible Project

  • Heaven and Hell book by Edward Donnelly

  • Surprised by Hope book by N.T. Wright

  • Heaven short tract by J.C. Ryle