In John 14, Jesus makes one of his most famous—and controversial—claims: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” If Jesus is the way, where are we trying to go? If he is the truth, what do we need to know? And if he is the life, why do we sometimes push back against this claim?
Discussion Questions
1. Heaven and earth will ultimately be joined together, and we will be with the Father forever. Why is this such good news? Why do we sometimes forget this amazing news?
2. Where are you prone to seek life from other sources besides Jesus? How do those sources ultimately leave us empty?
3. Read through Hebrews 9. How does the earthly temple show us a picture of heaven? How should we think of the final union of heaven and earth?
4. What are the factors that make many in our culture bristle against the idea of salvation in Jesus exclusively? How can we show people that this is actually good news?
Prayer Points
1. Pray that Jesus would return soon so that we can experience the final union of heaven and earth. Pray that we would remain faithful to Jesus until that day.
2. Pray for opportunities to share the hope of Jesus with those who don’t know him, even those who are opposed to the idea of “exclusivity.”