Gospel Is, Gospel Does | Ephesians 2:8-10
Aaron Gray | October 23, 2016

Discussion Questions

  1. If you were to become imbalanced, which ditch would you fall into: social gospel only or personal gospel only?
  2. How does the gospel of Jesus empower us to care for needs of the whole person: spiritual, social, relational, material, etc.?
  3. What areas of mission, service, justice, etc., are you already passionate about? Where do you need your passion to be increased?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would use this series to stir our hearts in thankfulness for the gospel and toward good deeds for others.
  2. Pray that non-Christians would see the love and goodness of God through our good deeds.

Action Steps

  1. Take a time of solitude and prayer, and ask God to show you any areas in your heart where you may resist his call to action.
  2. Share the gospel with someone.
  3. Talk with your community group about any Local Mission Initiatives that you want to engage in together.