Updates & Announcements

Two Opportunities for Generosity

Two Opportunities for Generosity

Generosity around the Christmas holiday is not merely a good idea or a time-honored tradition, it is a way to embody the very heart of the gospel. As such, we want to put before you, the people of Sound City, two specific avenues for you to practice generosity.

Advent With Friends

Advent With Friends

Four preachers from four churches in the Puget Sound region are taking the four traditional Advent themes and then sharing those messages at each of the four churches involved. Each preacher will share at a different church for each Sunday of Advent, with Christmas Eve Sunday spent at their home church. This means that the topics will be a little out of order from the traditional arrangement, but hey…what would the holidays be without a little chaos?

An Opportunity to Help Texas

An Opportunity to Help Texas

If you've been watching the devastation in Texas but haven't known how to help or get involved, you're likely not alone. With so many different relief organizations, non-profits, and government organizations involved, it can be hard to know where to begin. In the video below, Pastor Aaron outlines one specific way that we as a church family can help.

Summer At Sound City

Summer At Sound City

Last Summer, we set up a handful of events designed to give us all a chance as a church family to build new friendships, to deepen existing relationships with God and one another, and to just enjoy some extended times of fellowship together. This Summer we’re excited to do the same thing! From hikes, to a Mariners game, to Fourth of July events, and everywhere in-between, you can see everything we have planned this Summer below!

Church Health Survey

Church Health Survey

Even before Sound City Bible Church was launched, God gave us a passion to intentionally pursue being a healthy local church. Out of this passion, the Church Health Team was born, and this—our first annual Church Health Survey—is among the first fruits of this team.If you call Sound City Bible Church home, then we’re inviting you to take the survey and give voice to your experience of your church.

Why Study the Book of Judges?

Why Study the Book of Judges?

Judges is an honest book, dealing frankly with the sin of the people of Israel and the consequences that flow from such sin. And because Judges is an honest book, Judges is a scandalous book, full of enough sex and violence to make the writers of Game of Thrones blush. But despite its somber outlook, the book of Judges is a book of hope because it constantly points the readers to look for a better judge, a better, leader, a better king.