Updates & Announcements

Embrace the Awkward

Embrace the Awkward

For four weeks—Sunday July 10, 17, 24, and 31—we are going to “host” an event called the “Sunday Lunch Challenge.” During these four weeks, we are challenging the entire church body to EMBRACE THE AWKWARD! We are going to challenge everyone to meet someone new and to invite them to lunch.

God's Generous Grace

God's Generous Grace

In June of 2015, Sound City celebrated our first group of Covenant Members with a banquet dinner. We ate good food, laughed together, and celebrated the amazing grace that God had shown to us. That dinner launched us into a season of planning for the upcoming fiscal year (July 2015-June 2016). We didn’t know exactly what God was going to do, but what we did know is that we could trust his faithfulness to his people.

We Are Moving!

We Are Moving!

We have known since November that we will need to move out of our current building. As a young church, we have faced many challenges that have prevented us from purchasing a long-term home right away. These challenges are not insurmountable, but they do take time. And so, after much prayer and hard work, we have made the decision to move into Lynwood High School for the near future while we continue to work toward the purchase of a long-term home.

We Have a New Website!

We Have a New Website!

If you're reading this, welcome to the newly redesigned website of Sound City Bible Church! Over the last few weeks and months, one of our Covenant Members has worked very hard to make the site that you're now enjoying. Thank you, Jesus, for generous and faithful volunteers who know how to make technology work! Let me highlight a few features that we're excited about.

Launching the New Year With Prayer and Fasting

Launching the New Year With Prayer and Fasting

As we enter 2016, we mark the beginning of our second year together as Sound City Bible Church. We’ve all worked hard to re-launch this church in way that would be honoring to God, and in his grace to us, we’ve had a lot of gospel wins to celebrate together in our first year as a church family. God has been good to us, and in 2015 he has used the people of Sound City mightily to glorify himself. Go has healed us, grown us, challenged us, and encouraged us.

Serving the Vision House

Serving the Vision House

Sound City Bible Church is partnering this Christmas season with Vision House to provide gift cards for families in need as part of their “Home for the Holidays” initiative. For 25 years, the Vision House has worked hard to provide safe and confidential transitional housing and services for homeless children and their families. 

A Home For Sound City

A Home For Sound City

Over the past few months, with our new lease on life and a great anticipation for what God has for us in the future, the elder team has begun prayerfully considering whether or not we should seek to look for a permanent building for a church home. In a somewhat unexpected turn of events, the answer to that question has become more immediately clear.