Work Parties!

God has been gracious to us to give us a new space for our Sunday gatherings as well as a new office space to meet in. As you probably know, the Shoreline School District is planning on re-opening our current facility as a school. In order to be good tenants, we need to clear out all of our stuff and get the building back to “neutral” so that they can begin their work.

Here is where you come in! Throughout the month of May (and sooner), we are going to be hosting work parties to get us moved out of the building. To put it simply, we need your help! The following list provides information on our upcoming work parties including dates, objectives, and other important information. 

Sunday, April 24 | Post-service work party

Join us from 6:30pm - 9:00pm for our first work party! 


  1. Move all of the chairs to the B-Wing. 
  2. The production team will be pulling a bunch of the audio, video, and lighting equipment. The equipment will either be loaded into our new mobile cases for Lynnwood High or prepared for storage.

May 2—5 | Evening work parties

During this week, we are asking our Community Groups to come for a work party at the Shoreline building in lieu of your regular group gathering. Monday - Thursday from 6:00pm - 9:00pm (come when you can). Come as an individual, family or as a Community Group.


  1. Help empty out the kitchen, maintenance closets, and other storage areas in preparation for the Office Move as well as the Storage Move. 
  2. Help empty out all of the rooms in the kids wing. Remaining items will be sorted for use at Lynwood High, donation, or trash then moved to holding rooms. 
  3. Help pull out any remaining audio, video, or lighting equipment from the auditorium. 
  4. Do a final clean sweep through the kids wing.

Thursday, May 5 | Office move

Join us at 9:00am to help move into our new office. 


  1. We could use about 8 able-bodied adults to help us move into our new offices.
  2. We will have a moving truck and two professional movers leading and organizing the move. We need folks to help move everything to the truck and then out of the truck into our new offices. It will mostly be lifting but there may be a small amount of disassembly and re-assembly (EX: some of the larger desks may need to be broken down then re-assembled).

Wednesday, May 18 | Storage moving day

Join us at 9:00am to help move gear into our storage facility. 


  1. Items that are not going into our mobile setup or into the new office will be put into storage for use in a future long-term building. This includes items such as our current black chairs, plastic tables, tools, etc.
  2. Organize the storage facility so that we have appropriate access to seasonal items such as the baptism tank, Christmas trees, etc.

Saturday May 21 | “Final” work party and clean up

Join us at 9:00am at the Shoreline building for one final push to ensure everything is emptied out of the building.


  1. Go room-to-room to ensure final checklists are complete (including confirmation that all SCBC items are removed and donated, stored, or trashed). 
  2. Ensure Connect Desk, Production Booth, and other such structures we have built are broken down and removed (note: these may be done earlier).
  3. Take everything out of this building including moving items to the office, storage, donation center, or dump as relevant.

Other details and information


If you are free to come tackle projects during the workday, please contact Michael Eller via email at We have a ton of projects that can be worked on by individuals or small teams during the work day to help prepare for larger work parties and the upcoming moves. 


We are grateful for your help and want to make sure you have the energy to work hard. So we will provide dinner for our evening work parties and lunch for work parties that run from 9am through lunch or beyond. We will also try to have some basic snacks on hand as well as plenty of water bottles to keep you well hydrated and energized. 


Our goal is to begin work parties promptly at the starting time listed with a debriefing that explains the objectives and gives guidance to all the volunteers present. We understand many of you can not get off work in time to arrive by 6:00pm. That’s completely fine, just come when you can. Look for one of the church staff members for instructions. Or, jump in with someone you know and give them a hand doing whatever they are doing.


Though most of the work will be moving items from around campus into the B-Wing to be staged for the move, there will be some tasks that require tools. If you have battery powered drills, hammers, saws, sawzalls, etc. then please feel free to bring them. 

  • Make sure your name is on anything you bring. 
  • Leave them in your car until you identify if there is a need for them. 
  • Keep them with you to ensure they don’t get lumped in with SCBC tools (many of which will be sold or given away).

Have a question we didn’t answer here? 

Please contact if you have any questions.