"The Gospel"

Recently, in one of our Discipleship Groups, the question was posed, “What is the Gospel?” - A straightforward prompt to get us each to consider how we would put it, in our own words.

One of the beautiful things about the body of Christ is the different gifts present in each individual. Those Christians with creatives gifts are filled with God’s Spirit and can write, draw, sing, and paint out of the abundance of their life in the Spirit. Artists image God in the work of creating beauty and telling stories about creation. They give voice to the grace and the pain we see around us, and they tell us about the ordinary things of life as well. Artists give shape and color to our experiences, and Christian artists are empowered by the Spirit to be a part of God’s work of drawing us to Himself.  

One such artist wrote a poem in answer to the question “What is the Gospel?” We thought it was worth sharing with the whole church because it is beautiful and edifying. *Hint: Poetry is meant to be read aloud. Consider reading the following out loud for a fuller experience.

The Gospel

The world, once perfect

Is broken

And no fix we can

Muster will save it

Will save ourselves

Caught in an

Endless cycle of

Lack and pride

We strive

And fail and are

Doomed to destruction

In this life, the next

But a savior

A God over all

Who loves each

From the inside out

Who sacrificed so

That the way out

Could merely be

The door of need

Merely knowing

That no power

But the power

Of God

Can save us

Can sustain us

Through this life

Can deliver us

To the life to come

And so in surrender

And further surrender

We are new

From the inside out

Changed by love

To love eternally

- Rachael Menzie

  • There may still be time to join a fall Discipleship Group. Visit scbc.do/events to learn more