Celebrating | Steadfast Conference

“let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” – Hebrews 12:1

This week we're celebrating the gospel fruit, progress in faith, and simple encouragement and refreshment experienced by those in attendance at our co-sponsored Steadfast Conference event this past Saturday.

We live in a transitional culture. Changes to jobs, schools, and houses are regular events affecting our relationships, communities, and churches. Many people move for work or other opportunities, and in our churches, change is a constant. As Christians, how do we find what it takes to serve faithfully in our ever-changing church community? Where do we go to be encouraged and equipped to thrive for the long-term as active members of local churches?

This past Saturday, nearly 100 people from multiple area churches wrestled with questions like these while attending the conference. Hosted by our friends at Foundation Church in Everett, attendees of the conference were encouraged and equipped for healthy, joyful, and purposeful service in their local church. 

Dave Harvey, Executive Director of Sojourn Network, was the main session speaker, teaching on the topics of steadfast faith and stubborn grace.

Breakout sessions were also hosted, including a session led by our own Pastor Aaron, who spoke on the importance of friendship in ministry and the valuable role it plays in providing hope and encouragement as we serve. Foundation Church's Pastor Ryan Williams spoke on the importance of perseverance in serving the church, as we will no doubt face obstacles when we align ourselves with the will of God. The final breakout session was led by Pastor Ryan Welsh, of Redeemer Church, who taught on the importance of God's Word in serving, emphasizing the necessity of filling ourselves up first, so that we may serve joyfully out of an overflowing abundance of his love, rather than just serving because it's "right thing to do".


This week we're celebrating the incredible opportunity we had for encouragement, learning, and refreshment during this conference, and for the revitalization it brought to both attendees and speakers alike. Join us in prayer and thanksgiving for this event and for these new perspectives on serving the local church with steadfastness and perseverance for the long haul.