May 7th is the kick off for a new 7 week Loving Refugees Discipleship Group. Led by by John and Kristen Holdsworth and Kelsie Braceros, this group will learn about the refugee crisis and how we can have an impact locally. Find out more about how to love and care for refugees by joining us from 6:30 - 8:30pm on Tuesday nights at the church offices.
“Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.”
In You Welcomed Me, Annan explores how fear and misunderstanding often motivate our responses to people in need, and invites us instead into stories of welcome—stories that lead us to see the current refugee and immigrant crisis in a new light. He lays out simple practices for a way forward: confessing what separates us, listening well, and partnering with, not patronizing, those in need. His stories draw us in, and his practices send us out prepared to cross social and cultural divides.