About the Series
As disciples of Jesus it is good for us to have our imaginations stirred as we envision what it looks like to live faithful, committed lives as followers of Jesus. This Holy Week mini-series will pick up where our parables series left off as we envision life lived under Jesus’ wise and loving rule in the kingdom of God.
Palm Sunday: The way of the world is to elevate oneself in pride, but the way of the Kingdom is to humble oneself in pursuit of Jesus.
Good Friday: The way of the world is to avoid pain and hardship at all costs, but the way of the Kingdom is to follow Jesus into death.
Resurrection Sunday: The way of the world is to live for the moment, but the way of the Kingdom is to seek eternal life in Jesus.
“Look, your King is coming to You. He is humble, riding on a donkey... ”
Sermon Audio
1. Palm Sunday | Matthew 21:1-11
Aaron Gray | April 2, 2023
2. Good Friday | Matthew 16:24
Aaron Gray | April 7, 2023
3. Resurrection Sunday | Matthew 28:1-20
Aaron Gray | April 9, 2023