Sound City Bible Church

We Are Moving!

We Are Moving!

We have known since November that we will need to move out of our current building. As a young church, we have faced many challenges that have prevented us from purchasing a long-term home right away. These challenges are not insurmountable, but they do take time. And so, after much prayer and hard work, we have made the decision to move into Lynwood High School for the near future while we continue to work toward the purchase of a long-term home.

Help Spread the Word About Easter!

Help Spread the Word About Easter!

Easter is less than three weeks away. This holiday is my absolute favorite because we get to celebrate the most surprising, unexpected and world-changing event in human history — the resurrection of Jesus! Because Jesus is alive we can know that death is defeated, our sins are forgiven, and we have been given eternal life. Christians should party on Easter!

In addition to celebrating, we have an opportunity this time of the year.

Kids Ministry Is Awesome

Kids Ministry Is Awesome

Since we re-planted as Sound City, this was the highest attendance that we have ever had in our children's ministry — over 130 children! Think about that...over 130 lives being touched by the message of Jesus' love! I am so proud of the many faithful men and women who serve in our children's ministry. But, as I'm sure you can guess, there is always room for more people to get involved.

We Have a New Website!

We Have a New Website!

If you're reading this, welcome to the newly redesigned website of Sound City Bible Church! Over the last few weeks and months, one of our Covenant Members has worked very hard to make the site that you're now enjoying. Thank you, Jesus, for generous and faithful volunteers who know how to make technology work! Let me highlight a few features that we're excited about.

Fasting pt. 5 | A Fasting Testimony

Fasting pt. 5 | A Fasting Testimony

A few years ago, one of our Covenant Members participated in a church-wide fast for the first time in his life. His experience was powerful and life-transforming. Below is an email that he sent to the elders of the church (shared with permission). Our hope in sharing this is that those of you who are nervous or apprehensive about fasting would be encouraged to participate in this important spiritual discipline. 

Fasting pt. 4 | Eight Tips For Healthy Fasting

Fasting pt. 4 | Eight Tips For Healthy Fasting

Above all things, pray. Talk to your father who loves you. Pray about your fast, pray about your plan, and pray when you’re hungry. Pray about your motives and be honest, pray about your limitations, and remember that God won’t be impressed if your fast is more difficult. He’s already fully pleased with you because of Jesus, so fast in whichever way you choose and praise God that you don’t have to earn his favor through misery! For all these reasons, we can rejoice as we fast.

Fasting pt. 3 | Five Fasting Myths

Fasting pt. 3 | Five Fasting Myths

Fasting is an awesome gift. And like all gifts, it can be misconstrued, misused, and abused. We run the risk of ending up bitterly disappointed, not to mention very, very hungry. Now that we know what fasting is and why we fast, let’s consider what fasting is not and why we so often fail to practice this spiritual discipline.