Sound City Bible Church

Launching the New Year With Prayer and Fasting

Launching the New Year With Prayer and Fasting

As we enter 2016, we mark the beginning of our second year together as Sound City Bible Church. We’ve all worked hard to re-launch this church in way that would be honoring to God, and in his grace to us, we’ve had a lot of gospel wins to celebrate together in our first year as a church family. God has been good to us, and in 2015 he has used the people of Sound City mightily to glorify himself. Go has healed us, grown us, challenged us, and encouraged us.

Serving the Vision House

Serving the Vision House

Sound City Bible Church is partnering this Christmas season with Vision House to provide gift cards for families in need as part of their “Home for the Holidays” initiative. For 25 years, the Vision House has worked hard to provide safe and confidential transitional housing and services for homeless children and their families. 

A Home For Sound City

A Home For Sound City

Over the past few months, with our new lease on life and a great anticipation for what God has for us in the future, the elder team has begun prayerfully considering whether or not we should seek to look for a permanent building for a church home. In a somewhat unexpected turn of events, the answer to that question has become more immediately clear.

Back to School 2015

Back to School 2015

Generosity is a great way to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors in the Shoreline area. As we begin to think about students heading back to school (already?!), we are excited to partner with The Back To School Consortium, an organization which provides supplies to students in the Shoreline School District to outfit them before the school year begins.

Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray

“Teach us to pray.” This simple request from Jesus’ disciples is also one of their most profound. Prayer is absolutely fundamental to the life of a Christian. As the puritan preacher J.C. Ryle said, “Just as the first sign of the life of an infant when born into the world is the act of breathing, so the first act of men and women when they are born again is praying.”

Preparing For A Potluck

Preparing For A Potluck

If you read through the gospels, you will see just how often Jesus shared a meal with people. And at the end of the bible, Jesus’ return is characterized as a great feast. Far from being a cultural habit or a church tradition, sharing a meal is a great way to practice relationship like Jesus did. And when we consider that all of life is worship, even our cooking can (and should) be done for the glory of God.