Mission & Evangelism

Disaster Preparation and the Gospel

Disaster Preparation and the Gospel

John, a member of Sound City, recently came forward and offered some insights with me on how we as a church can best love and serve people in times of disaster. The conversation was very helpful for me, so I thought it was a good opportunity to share it with our larger church community. Here’s the interview!

Help Spread the Word About Easter!

Help Spread the Word About Easter!

Easter is less than three weeks away. This holiday is my absolute favorite because we get to celebrate the most surprising, unexpected and world-changing event in human history — the resurrection of Jesus! Because Jesus is alive we can know that death is defeated, our sins are forgiven, and we have been given eternal life. Christians should party on Easter!

In addition to celebrating, we have an opportunity this time of the year.

We Have a New Website!

We Have a New Website!

If you're reading this, welcome to the newly redesigned website of Sound City Bible Church! Over the last few weeks and months, one of our Covenant Members has worked very hard to make the site that you're now enjoying. Thank you, Jesus, for generous and faithful volunteers who know how to make technology work! Let me highlight a few features that we're excited about.

What About "Super Sunday?"

What About "Super Sunday?"

In less than two weeks, Americans of all types will gather together to celebrate our nation’s unofficial holiday, the Super Bo…oh wait, I’m not allowed to use that phrase due to NFL rules. I guess I’ll just call it “the big game.” Like any good resident of Seattle, I’m bummed that our Hawks didn’t make it to the big game this year. At Sound City Bible Church, we’re still going to have all three of our normal service times (9a, 11a, and 5p) because I’d much rather teach through the book of Hebrews than be blinded with the bright and clashing uniforms of some ponies and kitty cats.

Serving the Vision House

Serving the Vision House

Sound City Bible Church is partnering this Christmas season with Vision House to provide gift cards for families in need as part of their “Home for the Holidays” initiative. For 25 years, the Vision House has worked hard to provide safe and confidential transitional housing and services for homeless children and their families. 

Mission pt. 5 | Being Disciples

Mission pt. 5 | Being Disciples

Every church on the planet ought to have something about making disciples as part of their mission statement. However, what often gets forgotten is the last part of Jesus’ words: “and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Before we get to work making disciples, we must first remember to remain connected to Jesus as disciples ourselves. The making of disciples flows out of first being disciples.

Mission pt. 4 | Receiving Grace

Mission pt. 4 | Receiving Grace

A mission statement is a rallying cry, a purpose to exist, something to call the people of the church to. Why then did we choose to put something that seems passive in our mission statement? It was certainly not because we wanted to be novel or original. Instead, this part of the mission statement was born out of the realization that all of the Christian life is one of grace.

Mission pt. 3 | Proclaiming Jesus

Mission pt. 3 | Proclaiming Jesus

In part 2 of this series, we said that our mission as a church begins with God’s glory. Anything and everything else we do serves that ultimate goal and purpose. God’s glory is displayed in a variety of ways – in nature, in beauty, in wisdom, in truth. But, as we saw in the previous post, the ultimate display of God’s glory is in the person and work of Jesus.