About the Series
Online worship services in partnership with Martha Lake Baptist Church during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak.
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?”
1. Conflict, Fear, and Comfort | 2 Corinthians 7:2-7
Aaron Gray | March 22, 2020
2. When I Don’t Have Control | Mark 4:26-29 Aaron Gray | March 29, 2020
3. Only Jesus Truly Saves | Matthew 21:1-17 Aaron Gray | April 5, 2020
4. Good Friday 2020 | Forgiven People Forgive People Aaron Gray | April 5, 2020
5. The Resurrection And Chaos | Luke 24:1-12 Aaron Gray | April 12, 2020
6. Followers of Jesus Need Not Fear Death | Philippians 1:20-30 Jason Smith | April 19, 2020
7. Why Do I Feel So Sad? | Jeremiah 6:22-26 Aaron Gray | April 26, 2020
8. I Hate Zoom | Genesis 2:4-24 Aaron Gray | May 2, 2020
9. The Lifestyle of Jesus | Mark 1:29-38 Aaron Gray | May 10, 2020
10. Stability In Unstable Times | Matthew 16:13-20 John Fox | May 17, 2020
11. Don’t Judge Each Other | Romans 14 Aaron Gray | May 24, 2020
12. The Mission Goes On | 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Jason Smith | May 31, 2020